
Step 1 of 3

Pooches Kitchen

Tell us about your pooch

Your dog is
What is your dog's birthday?
Is Your dog Spayed or Neutered?
If you'd like to try Pooches Kitchen with multiple pups, you can add them later in this process.



Kim Treffinger

Aside from the dogs loving this food, I noticed a big difference in convenience when scooping it out of the packaging. One side is textured which makes it easier to squeeze the food out compared to other leading brands. The food is a hit with all the dogs here

Debbie (and Harriet)

I am SOOOO impressed!!! I so appreciate and absolutely love the fact that you list the ingredients and break down the nutritional facts! Harriet loves the beef recipe!

Amani E (and Ace)

Ace LOVES Pooches Kitchen

Kenzie Ball (and Chloe)

Chloe refuses to go back to dry processed kibble now that Pooches Kitchen is in her life


Al (and Astro)

Switching to Pooches Kitchen fresh food has been a game changer for my 2-year-old Corgi. A normally picky eater, he now scarfs down the entire bowl at mealtime and now has a noticeably shiner coat. Best change I could have made for buddy Astro


Larry (and Max)

I’ve tried a couple of fresh dog food delivery services over the past couple of years and my picky dog loses interest extremely fast and I did not care for the fluctuating consistency of the texture. I decided to try Pooches Kitchen because they are located right here in San Diego and WOW…. Max can’t get enough of the turkey with blueberry recipe. I’m a believer!!